Afreja Khatun (Khoribary Village)
I want to show that I can do something myself.
Afroja Parvee (Khoribary Village)
I want to show that I can do something myself.
Ajima Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
To help my husband to run the family
Ajimon Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
To run my big family smothly
Ajmira Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
To give better life for my children
AJmira Bibi (SC0044) Nawabpur Village
I want to help my husband
Ajmira Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
Want to expand own expenses by herself, and want bright future

Ajoori Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
I work for my family expenses
Aklima Bibi PM0028 (Podra Village)
I work for my children education
Aklima Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
Husband does not take care properly, I work for myself
Aklima Bibi LP0034 (Lagolputa Village)
I work for my own good future
Aklima Bibi (NS0026) Nawabpur Village
I work for my daughters higher education
Aklima Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
To help my husband
Alema Bibi Nawabpur Village
To help her family
Alia Sarkar LP0093 Lagolputa Village
I work for my own expenses
Aloka Tunga (Midnapur Village)
Arrage money for a good moment
Anita Das (Midnapur Village)
Earn extra money for family
Alomara Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
Three daughters and single son,I want their better education
Ambia Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
I dont't have a husband. I work to keep myslef alive.
Ambia Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
I want to work for my daughter's treatment.
Amina Bibi (LP0072) Lagolputa
I want to save something for future
Amina Bibi NS0037 (Nawapur Village)
I want my own boss by working this work

(LP0009) Lagolputa Village
I work for children better education
Angura Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
Husband incomeless, I work for running my family.
Anjoara Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
My husband's pay is very small. I can't raise my children or afford their education so i work.
Anoara Bibi (LP0040) Lagolputa Village
I want to earn something from this job
Anoara Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
I want to work for my children better life.
Anoara Bibi (NS0070) Nawabpur Village
I want to run my own expenses from this job
Anowara Bibi (LP0053) Lagolputa Village
I want help my family
Anu Bibi (NS0065) Nawabpur village
I work for my daughters education
Anupama Panda Das(NS0065) Midnapur Village
I work for carry to my own expenses
Aparna Bag (PM0014) Podra Village
I want to help my husband
Arifa Khatun Nawabpur Village
To save for my future
Arjina Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
To help my husband.
Arjina Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
I work for my own saving
Arjina Khatun (Sc0100) Nawabpur Village
I want to help my parents
Asia Bibi (LP0020) Lagolputa Village
Husband low income i want help him
Asia Bibi (LP0022)Lagolputa Village
I work for my family
Asia Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
To purchase all things for my family.
Aslina Bibi (LP0100) Lagolputa Village
I work for my own good future
Asma Bibi (LP0068) Lagolputa Village
I fulfil my family needs
Asma Bibi (LP0086) Lagolputa Village
I work for my children education
Asma Bibi (Nawabpur Village
Husband low income, I work for my family.
Asma Khatun (Nawabpur Village)
To continue my education with my own income
Asura Bibi (LP0031) Lagolputa Village
I work for my family expenses
Asura Bibi (PM0006) Podra Village
I work to help my family
Asura Bibi (SC0093) Nawabpur Village
I work for my own ornaments purchase
Asura Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
I want to saving money for my daughters marriage.
Asura Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
I work for running my family.
Asura Bibi
Want to pay my own expenses by herself and purchase all things for my family.
Asura Khatun (SC0120) Nawabpur Village
I want help my parents
Ayesa Bibi (Sc0115) Nawabpur Village
My Husband don't take care my children, I work to take care my children
Ayesha Khatun (Nawabpur Village)
For my bright future and to take care my parents
Babinur Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
To help my husband
Baby Bibi (PM0030) Podra Village
I want establish my career
Baby Khatun (PM0048)Podra Village
I work for my own needy goods purchase
Baby Khatun (Podra Village)
We are five brother and sisters and my parents make a big family. And then my father is worried about giving me a wedding. I work to lessen my father's worries.
Bilkis Khatun (SC0084) Nawabpur Village
I work for my studies expenses
Chandana Das (SC0084) Midnapur Village
I work for fulfill my children requirement
Emamon Bibi (LP0030) Lagolputa Village
I want to save money for my children future
Fatema Bibi (LH0113) Laohati Village
I work for my children education
Fatema Bibi (LP0035) Lagolputa Village
I work to purchase my daily needy goods purchase
Fatema Bibi (LP0084) Lagolputa Village
I want invest my income from this job for my children better life
Fatema Bibi (PM0041) Podra Village
I work for my better future
Fatema Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
Fatema Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
Want to pay own expenses by herself.
Fatema Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
Husband low income, I work for my family.
Fatema Bibi1 (PM0042)Podra Village
I want to run my family smoothly
Firoja Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
For my children's education.
Firoja Bibi1 (Nawabpur Village)
I am very poor I work for my family
Firoja Bobo (LH0026) Laohati Village
I work for my children education
Fojila Bibi (LP0042) Lagolputa Village
I work to save money for children higher education
Fojila Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
I work for my bright future.
Forida Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
My elder son is handicraped I want to save my elder son.
Forida Khatun (Nawabpur Village)
Want to pay own expenses by herself.
Ful Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
I work to maintain my own expenses
Fuljan Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
I work to bring up my three daughters and be able to marry them off.
Hafija Bibi (LH0120) Laohati Village
I work to help my husband
Hakima Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
I want to work for my husband treatment.
Halima Bibi (LP0103) Lagolputa Village
I want to do something in my life
Halima Bibi (PM0031)Podra Village
I want to bring up my children with my own income
Halima Bibi (PM0054)Podra Village
I want t saving for my future
Hamida Bibi (NS0047) Nawabpur Village
I want to work for my children education
Hamida Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
To help my husband and for my children's education.
Hamida Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
To give my son good education.
Hamida Khatun (Nawabpur Village)
I want to help my parents
Hasina Bibi (PM0050) Podra Village
I want to work for my children education
Hasina Gazi (Nawabpur Village)
I want to work to do something
Hena Mondal (Midnapur Village)
I want to help my husband
Ila Rani Kandar(NS0074) Midnapur Village
Keep my family happy
Indrani Poddar (NS0074) Nawabpur Village
I want to work self independent
Jahanara Bibi (LP0055) Lagolputa Village
I want to work for my children better education
Jahanara Bibi (PM0023) Podra Village
I want to work to maintain my own expenses
Jahanara Bibi (Madam)SC0111 Nawabpur Village
I want to work for my son's education
Jahanara Bibi1 (Nawabpur Village)
For happiness and peace, for my family and I work for my daughters marriage.
Jahanara Bibi2 (Nawabpur Village)
Son's kidney infection, I want for my son's Kidney treatment.
Jharna Das (LP0111) Lagolputa Village
My husband income is low, so I want to help him
Jhuma Khatun (Nawabpur Village)
I want to help my parents
Jhunu Bibi (LP0067) Lagolputa Village
I want to work for my children education
Jibonara Bibi (LP0062) Lagolputa Village
I want to help my husband
Jobeda Bibi (LP0028) Lagolputa Village
I want to work to run my family smothly
Jobeda Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
For my daughters, better education.
Johora Bibi (LP0023) Lagolputa Village
I want to work to help my family
Johora Bibi (LP0098) Lagolputa Village
I am very poor and my husband don't take care my family, so I want to take care my family
Johora Bibi (LP0111) (lagolputa Village
I work for my own saving
Johora Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
I like to do the job and help my family.
Jomila Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
I would like become a greater person by working.
Kajal Das (LP0115)Lagolputa Village
I work for my children educ
Kakuli Khatun (Nawabpur Village)
To continue my education with my own income.
Kasmira Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
Husband low income, I work for my family.
Khadija Bibi (LH0031) Laohati Village
I work for my own future
Khadija Bibi (LP0024) Lagolputa Village
I want to work to earn some money
Khadija Bibi (NS0055) Nawabpur Village
I want to work for bring up my children.
Khadija Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
I work so as not to put pressure on my husband and still run my household.
To give better life for my children.
Khadija Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
Husband died, I want to bring up my children.
Khuku Rani Khatun (Nawabpur Village)
I want to help my parent
Khukumoni Khatun (Nawabpur Village)
My father works alone and our family has many needs. He is under a lot of pressure so I work to help him.
Khukumoni Khatun (Nawabpur Village)
My father works alone and our family has many needs. He is under a lot of pressure so I work to help him.
Khukumoni Khatun (Nawabpur Village)
I want to work to help my father
Kohinur Bibi (LP0079) Lagolputa Village
I want to work for my family.
Laila Bibi (LH0069) Laohati Village
I want to work for my children higher education
Rabia Bibi (LH0084) Laohati Village
I work for my own good future
Latifa Bibi (NS0008) Nawabpur Village
I want to work for my daughter education
Lutfan Bibi (NS0019) (Nawabpur Village)
I want to work for my children good future
Mabia Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
Want to pay my own expenses by herself and help my father.
Mafuja Bibi (LP0010) Lagolputa Village
I work for my family maintain
Mafuja Bibi1 (Nawabpur Village)
I work to run my family.
Mafuja Khatun (LP0102) Lagolputa Village
I want to fulfil my my dream
Mafuja Khatun (NS0067) Nawabpur Village
I want to work for my own studies expenses
Mahmuda Bibi (Nawabpu Village)
For my children's education.
Majeda Bibi (LP0101) Lagolputa Village
I want to work to my children education
Maleka Bibi (NS0006) Nawabpur Village)
I work for my daughter treatment
Mamoni Bibi (PM0067) Podra Village
I want to work to maintain my family without the help of my family.
Mamoni Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
For my children's education.
Mamoni Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
To expand my children all expenses by myself.
Mamoni Khatun (Nawabpur Village)
I work so i don't have to ask my mother for pocket money. Also to help meet my family's needs.
Manasi Jana (Midnapur Village)
Husband Does not pay anythng
Manju Tunga (Medinipur Village)
I work for my family member treatment.
Manjura Khatun (Nawabpur Village)
I work for the needs of my family.
Mansura Khatun (MG0066) (Nawabpur Village)
I want to work to help my parents
Marina Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
I work for my bright future.
Masura Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
My husband income is low I want to help him
Mehrun Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
My husband don't take care of me i work for myself.
Mina Bibi (LP0026)Lagolputa Village
I want to work for my children better education
Mina Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
Want to pay own expenses by herself.
Minara Bibi (LP0033) Lagolputa Village
I am poor I want to run my family
Minara Khatun (PM0071) Podra Village
I want to work to help my mother
Minu Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
I work to raise my two boys. To Fulfil my own wish
Minuara Bibi (LP0037)Lagolputa Village
I want to do anything so that I can earn some thing
Miniaray BibiNawabpur Village)
I want to work for the saving money in a bank for my future
Mohima Bibi (PM0022)Podra Village
I want to work this for earning some money for
Mohima Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
For pocket money and so that I become a better person. To solve family problem.
Momema a Bibi (LH0073)Laohati Village
I want to establish myself.
Momena Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
I am a poor person. I work to keep my family runnning.
Momena Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
Want to pay own expenses by herself.
Momena Khatu (Nawabpur Village)
I want to work for my own future
Momtaj Bibi (LP0041) Lagolputa Village
I work for my daughter education
Momotaj Bibi (NS0061) Nawabpur Village
I work for my own expenses
Momtaj Bibi (PM0037)Podra Village
I work for my children education
Momotaj Bibi (PM0039) (Podra Village)
I want to make a small house
Momtaj Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
For my bright future.
Momtaj Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
To help my family.
Mona Khatun (PM0008)Podra Village
I work for myself
Monira Khatun (Nawabpur Village)
To Fulfil my own wish
Monjila Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
To help my family.
Monju Bibi (LP0002) Lagolputa Village
I work to purchase my family needy goods
Monju Bibi (LP0090)
I work for improving my families lifestyle
Monjura Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
To admit my son to a better school for best education.
Monjura Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
I want to save money for future.
Monoara Bibi (LP0015) Lagolputa Village
I want to work to run my own family
Monoara Bibi (Lp0107)Lagolputa Village
I want to work for my children better education
Monoara Bibi (PM0020) Podra Village
I work for my good future
Monoara Bibi (Nawabpur Village
I got a lot of advantage from this job.
Monoara Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
To maintain my family.
Monoara Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
I want to save money for my daughters marriage.
Monoara Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
Poor, to solve Family Problem
Monoara Khatun (LP0032) Lagolputa Village
I work for self dependent
Monoara Khatun (PM0005)Podra Village
I want to work for do something by myself
Monoara Bibi (PM0056) Podra Village
I want to work my children better education
Montaj Khatun (Nawabpur Village)
I want to work for my studies expenses
Morjina Bibi (NS0082) Nawabpur Village
I want to work to built my concrete house
Morjina Bibi (LH0003) Laohati Village
I want to work for saving
Morjina Bibi (SC0105) Nawabpur Village
I work for my children better lifestyle.
Morjina Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
I work thinking of my son and daughter. My husband's pay is little.
Mostari Bibi (LP0119) Lagolputa Village
I want to work for my better future
Mousomi Ghosh GOR01 Midnapur Village
My family total earning very little bit
Muslima Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
To give my daughter good education.

Nachera Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
To meet the needs of my family.
Najima Bibi (LH0011) Laohati Village
I want to work to complete my dreams
Najima Bibi (LP0017) Lagolputa Village
I work for my own saving
Najima Bibi (LP0104)Lagolputa Village
I work to maintain my own expenses
Najima Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
I want to help my husband to maintain my family.
Najima Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
To purchase all things for my family.
Najima Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
To pay my daughter's school expenses.
Najima Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
For Children education and husband loan repayment.
Najira Bibi (PM0010) Podra Village
I am poor I work for my family
Najmoonnahara Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
To purchase all things for childern and my own expenses.
Nargis Khatun (PM0026) Podra Village
I want to continue my study by my own incomw
Nargis Parveen (Nawabpur Village)
To help my father and for my bright future.
Nasima Bibi (PM0044) Podra Village
I work to help my husband as he has no work
Nasima Bibi (Nawapur Village)
Want to pay own expenses by herself.
Nasima Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
For Children education.
Nasima Khatun (LP0049)Lagolputa Village
I want to work for own cloth purchase
Nilufa Khatun (Nawabpur Village)
I work so I can stand on my own two feet.
Nioti Bhattacharya (Midnapur Village)
Fulfill to my family requirement
Nomita Maity SAT01 (Midnapur Village )
Working for my Children
Noorjahan Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
I work for my future saving
NS0087 Aklima Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
I want to work for my loan repayment
Nuraksan Bibi (NS0084) Nawabpur Village
I work for my daughter better lifestyle
Nurjahan Bibi (PM0004)Podra Village
I want to work to make gold ornaments
Nurnehar Bibi (PM0011)Podra Village
I work for myself
Ohida Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
Husband died, I want to bring up my children.
Ojimon Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
To run my big family.
Ojufa Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
Want to work for my children's education.
Olivia Bibi (PM0018) Podra Village
I work for my own family
Papia Bibi (PM0024)Podra Village
I work for my children education
Parbina Khatun (Nawabpur Village)
Poor, if I don't work we do not eat. Want to pay own expenses by herself.
PM0070 Sahinur Khatun (Podra Village)
I work for continue my study.
Putul Khatun (Nawapur village
Rabea Bibi (LP0036)Lagolputa Village
I want establish myself by working this job
Rabea Bibi (LP0094) Lagolputa Village
I work for my children education
Rabia Bibi (LP0054)Lagolputa Village
I work for my needy goods purchase
Rafija Bibi (Lp0091) Lagolputa Village
I work for my bank saving
Rafija Bibi (Hatiara Village)
To help my husband.
Rahima Bibi (LP0001) Lagolputa Village
Raila Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
Rakima Khatun
To help my father and for my bright future.
Rangina Khatun (SC0107) Nawabpur Village
I want to work to help my father
Rangina Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
I want to work for my children
Ranuja Khatun (SC0108)Nawabpur Village
I am deaf and dump so I work for my good future
Raosanara Bibi (SC0094
I work for my daughter better life.
Raosanara Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
For my son's better education.
Rasida Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
I would like to slove all my family's problems.
Rasonara Bibi (PM0063) Podra Village
I want to work for future saving
Rebaka Bibi (Nawabillage)
Want to pay own expenses by herself.
Rehana Bibi (PM0001) Podra Village
I want to work for my lifestyle change
Rehana Bibi (PM0009) Podra Village
I want to work for children education
Rehana BIbi (PM0017) Podra Village
I want to work to fulfil my dream
Rehana Bib1 (Nawabpur Village)
Poor, to solve Family Problem.
Rehana Bibi2 (Nawabpur Village)
My husband is an addict. He does not work. I have come back to my mother's house. I work because I have to eat.
To saving for my son.
Rehana Bibi3 (Nawabpur Village)
Husband died, I want to bring up my children.
Rehana Parveen (Nawabpur Village)
I want to work to establish myself
Rejina Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
For my children education.
Rejina Khatun1 (Nawabpur Village)
I want to help my father
Reshma Bibi (LH0059) Laohati Village
I want to work for my children education
Reshma Bibi (LP0039) Lagolputa Village
I work for earn something.
Reshma Bibi (NS0014) Nawabpur Village
I want to work for daughter higher education
Rija Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
To maintain children tution fees.
Rija Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
Poor, to solve my family problem.
Rinku Mukherjee (PM0047)
I want to work to run my family.
Rohima Bibi (Ns0046) Nawabpur Village
I want to work for my son's education
Rohima Bibi (PM0034)Podra Village
I want to work for self confidencec.
Rohima Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
The boys don't fed me so I work to feed myself.
Rohima Bibi Nawabpur Village
Husband died, I want to pay my own expenses.
Rojina Bibi Nawabpur Village
I want admit my daughter in a good school.
Rojina Khatun
I want to solve my own problem.
Romicha Bibi (PM0043) Podra Village
I want to work any type of job.
Rosida Bibi (LP0018) Lagolputa Village
I work for my husband
Rosida Bibi (NS0021) Nawabpur Village
I work for for earn money and expand for travelling
Rosida Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
I work for my son's educaation
Rubina Bibi (Ns0022) Nawabpur Village
I work for my children better education
Ruksana Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
For my son's better education.
Rumpa Bibi (LP0006) Lagolputa Village
I want to work to improve myself
Rumpa Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
I want to take care my little daughter by myself.
Runa Bibi (LH0118) Laohati Village
I work for my family
Rupa Bibi (NS0043) Nawabpur Village
I want to work for my daughters best education
Rupali Khatun (Nawabpur Village
My father is getting old. We three sisters are grown. Our parents worry about getting us married. So we work to lessen our parents' worries.
Rupjan Bibi (Nawabpur Village
We are very poor-we do not have a meal every day. If I don't work, we will have nothing to eat.
Sabana Bibi Nawabpur Village
For my children education.
Sabana Bibi1 (Nawabpur Village)
For my children education.
Sabana Bibi2 (Nawabpur Village)
I work for my family maintain
Sabana Khatun (LP0088) lagolputa Village
I work for own expenses handling
Sabana Khatun (Nawabpur Village)
No fater, no brothers, I have no one. My mother works elsewhere. I work here so that I can eat. And how will my mother afford my wedding by herself? That's why I work.
Sabera Bibi (LP0016) Lagolputa Villge
I want to work to make gold ornament
Sabera Bibi (LP0028) Lagolputa Village
I Work for myself
Sabera Bibi (PM0029) Podra Village
I work for my own saving.
Sabia Khatun (Nawabpur Village)
I want to work to help my parents
Sabina Bibi (LH0055) Laohati Village
I want to work for my children education
Sabina Bibi (LP0051) Lagolputa Village
I want to work to earn something for future
Sabina Bibi (PM0072) Podra Village
I want to work for self confidence
Sabina Bibi1 (Nawabpur Village)
For my son's better education.
Sabina Bibi2 (Nawabpur Village)
To help my husband.
Sabina Bibi4 (Nawabpur Village)
I love this type of job.
Sabina Bibi1 (LP0050) Lagolputa Village
I work for children education
Sabina Khatun (Sc0138) Nawabpur Village
I want to work to help my parents
Sabina Sardar (Nawabpur Village)
I want to work for my own good future
Sabina Yasmin (LP0110) Laglputa Village
I want to work for my own education expenses
Sabina Yesmin (Nawabpur Village)
For my bright future and my son's education.
Sabrina Bibi (LH0002)Laaohati Village
I work for my bank saving
Safia Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
I work for my son's education and want to help my husband
Sahana Khatun (PM0002)Podra Village
I want to worn for my own tution expenses
Sahanara Bibi (PM0040) Podra Village
I work for my family expenses.
Sahanara Bibi (LP0077)
I work for better life of my family
Saharbanu Bibi (LP0004) Lagolputa Village
I want to work to repayment loan
Saharun Bibi (LP0099) Lagolputa Village
I want to work for good future
Sahida Bibi (LH0121) Laohati Village
I work for maintain my family expenses
Sahida Bibi (LP0048) Lagolputa Village
I work for my children education
Sahida Bibi (PM0003) Podra Village
I work for my family.
Sahida Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
I work for my family expenses
Saima Bibi (SC0110) Nawabpur Village
I work for children education
Saima Bibi1 (Nawabpur Village)
A family of five has many needs so I work To stand upon my own two feet.
Saipan Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
I can meet the needs of my family by working and I can raise my children well in the future.
Sakila Bibi (LP0066) Lagolputa Village
I want to work for saving for future
Sakila Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
To give my daughters good education.
Sakina Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
I work for my children's education, to buy books and supplies for them.
Sakina Khatun (Nawabpur Village)
To continue my education with my own income.
Saleha Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
I want my daughter's good education so that she will be a teacher.
Salema Bibi (LP0118) Lagolputa Village
I work for my family.
Salema Bibi (NS0004) Nawabpur Village
I work for my children education
Salema Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
Want to work for my children education.
Salima Bibi
Samima Bibi
To Fulfil my own wish.
Samita Bhattacharya_UJN02 (Midnapur Village)
I want to become an independent lady
Sampa Das_JMN05 (PM0053) Medinipur Village
I want to add extra money to my family income
Sampa Khatun (PM0053) Podra Village
I work to help my parents
Samsunnahar Bibi (LP0109)Lagolputa Village
I work for my own saving
Sanchita Hui PGR01 (Midnapur Village)
Husband income is low So I want to help him.
Sanju Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
Husband income is low So I want to help him.
Sapia Bibi (LP0003) Lagolputa Village
I work for the help of my husband
Sapia Bibi (LP0092) Lagolputa Village
I work for my family expenses
Sapia Bibi (PM0036) Podra Village
I work for my children education
Sarina Bibi (PM0015) Podra Village
I work for my future saving
Sarina Katun (Nawabpur Village)
Want to pay own expenses by herself and help my father.
Serina Khatun (Nawabpur Village)
Want to fulfill my own wish and help my father.
Shamoli Das (NS0050)Nawabpur Village
I work I love this job
Shibani Banerjee (LP0114) Lagolputa Village
I work for maintain my family
Shranboni Banerjee (LP0116) Lagolputa Village
I work to fulfil my wish
Sobira Khatun (Nawabpur Village)
For my bright future.
Sohida Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
I can improve my work. I can feed and clothe my children well.
Sokhilal Bibi (LP0105)Lagolputa Village
I don't want to lost time so I work for money, because time is money.
Sokina Bibi (LH0094) Laohati Village
I work for myself
Solima Bibi (LH0060) Laohati Village
I work for my family
Solima Bibi (Nawapur Village)
I work for my children education
Sonali Parveen (NS0072)
I work for my daughter Education
Sonamoni Bibi (LP0052)Lagolputa Village
I work for my own good future
Srabani Hui_PGR02(Midnapur Village)
I want to Income some extra money
Sraswati-Hansda-UJN01(Midnapur Village)
I work for my future saving
Sufia Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
I have not a minimum shelter, I want arrange a minimum shelter.
Sufia Khatun (Nawabpur Village)
I have no father. A family of three sisters has a lot of needs, that's why I work.
Suraia Bibi (LH0122) Laohati Village
I work to run my family smothly
Suraia Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
To Fulfil my own wish.
Suraia Bibi (LP0012) Lagolputa Village
I work for children education
Tahamina Bibi (LH0061) Laohati Village
I want to help my husband
Tahamina Bibi (LP0071) Lagolputa Village
I work for my family problem
Tahamina Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
For my children's education.
Tahera Khatun (Nawabpur Village)
To help my parents.
Tajema Bibi (PM0038) Podra Village
I work for my good future
Tajmira Khatun (Nawabpur Village)
I have a poor family-I have no one but my mother. I work to run my family and so that I can help my mother pay for my wedding when it is time.
Tanjila Bibi (PM0052) Podra Village
I work my family problem.
Tanuja Bibi (PM0064) Podra Village
I want to work for my children education
Tanuja Bibi (LP0106) Lagolputa Village
I want to work to help my husband
Tanuja Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
My husband's work is not enough. I work to meet the needs and for Children education.
Tanuja Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
I want my daughters's better education.
Tanuja Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
Husband low income, I work for my family.
Tarmina Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
For Children education.
Taslima Bibi (LP0097) Lagolputa Village
I want to work for future saving
Taslima Bibi (MG0063) Nawabpur Village
I want to help my husband
Taslima Bibi (NS0029) Nawabpur Village
I work for my family problem
Taslima Bibi (PM0019) Podra Village
I want to secure my future by this job.
Taslima Bibi (SC0066) Nawabpur Village
I want to help my husband
Taslima Gharami (Nawabpur Village)
I want to do anyrhing and earn some money
Tina Bibi (Nawabpur Village)
For Children education.
Tuhina Khatun (LP0096) Lagolputa Village
I work for my own cloth purchase
Tumpa Bibi
I want my daughter to be a teacher and my son to be a doctor to serve the people.a
Yasmina Bibi (LP0008) Lagolputa Village
I want to work my children education
Yasmina Bibi (NS0084) Nawabpur Village
I work for my own saving for fututre
Yasmina Khatun (SC0116) Nawabpur Village)
I work for my own cosmetic purchase
Yasmina Bibi (LP0120)Lagolputa Village
I want to work my children better education